Every parent would have wondered about the effects of screen time on kids brain development. As a result, the kids were deprived of using mobile phones after a certain period. Well, this fear is true. Research by the National Institute of Health (NIH) suggests that the brains structure is influenced by the amount of screen time. Therefore, many parents now prefer right brain training lessons to help put their kids time to productive use.
Key findings of the research
Brain scans revealed that children with seven hours of screen time showed a thinning of the cortex. This time would appear to be a lot. However, it is less than the screen time of teenagers. They observed that teenage girls spend 7.5 hours while teenage boys spend 8 hours on screen. Even children of age five to sixteen have a screen time of 6.5 hours, just below the 7-hour threshold.
Neurologists say that thinning of the cortex is normal in adolescents. But, they are pretty much concerned about this happening in 9 to 10-year-old children.
Effects of screen time on brain development
Uncontrolled screen time can have a long term effect on brain development. It may even cause withdrawal symptoms when the child is restricted to use mobile phones.
Following are the effects that excessive screen time can have on a childs brain:
1.Disturbes the rhythm of the internal clock
A child is easily stimulated by bright lights. It is very hard for the child to resist the vivid colours of the mobile screen. The brain confuses the light with daytime and therefore, the circadian rhythm takes a drastic hit. This confusion disturbs the brains ability to relay sleep signals by restricting melatonin.
2.Change in frontal lobe development
Many studies have revealed that exposure to screens and gaming reduced grey matter in the frontal lobe and cortical thickness. The frontal lobe is responsible for reasoning, personality, empathy, and impulse control. This region is also integral to academic success and building relationship skills. Therefore, it is conclusive evidence that screen time affects brain structure and development.
3.Decrease in brain connectivity
A study compared two groups: one spent time on screen while the other read books. The test result found that the former group had reduced brain connectivity while the latter showed great brain activity, especially with language and cognitive control. Thats why brain trainers emphasize diverting the kids attention with memory improvement techniques to improve brain functions.
4.Altering the brains reward system
While a child uses mobile phones, it releases dopamine, a hormone associated with pleasure. So, the child craves this rush and continues to use a mobile phone beyond reasonable limits. It can affect the childs emotions because of abnormalities in the dopamine release.
5.Impact on brain chemistry
The Radiological Society of North America found variations in the brain chemistry of tech-addicted teens and non-addicted teens. The reward system of the brain was affected which eventually decreased brain signals. Tech-addicted teens scored high in anxiety, insomnia, depression, and impulse behaviour.
Decreasing screen time can improve cognitive ability and help the child to focus their attention more productively. You can try out various concentration exercises for students to enhance brain connectivity and thinking abilities.