How Do You Practice Right Brain Training?

Creativity is becoming a more valuable asset. Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or professional in any discipline, the ability to think creatively can set you apart from others. Many consider creativity a unique characteristic you are born with or without. However, the truth is that creativity may be advanced through sports and right brain training, […]

Explore How Right Brain Training Helps In Intuition

The human brain is extremely complicated, with two hemispheres and unique functionalities which influence our cognitive skills. The right hemisphere is generally related to creativity, intuition, and comprehensive thinking. Despite the latest technological developments to enhance the left hemisphere for logical thinking and analysis, harnessing the benefits of the right brain is critical for nurturing […]

Best Practices For Implementing VR Therapy Programs In Schools

Virtual Reality (VR), one of the advanced technological developments, has revolutionized education and therapies. One of the best applications of VR therapy is its implementation in schools where students benefit from their advanced solutions, supporting students’ well-being. Implementing such programs requires careful planning and best practices to ensure their effectiveness and ethical use. Understanding The […]

Brain Training Strategies For School Success

Students constantly seek ways to enhance their learning capabilities and improve school performance in a competitive academic environment. One practical method is to start working on brain training strategies and make it a part of their study routines. It helps the students enhance their focus and problem-solving abilities by improving their overall academic performance through […]

Do You Exercise Your Brain?

Do we really care for our brain? Does our brain require exercise? Like any other body parts, our brain also needs some care and attention. There is also a myth that exercising to improve your focus, memory, or for any daily activity is only for the older adults. However, it is not true that memory […]

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