Understanding Dyslexia

Everything You Need For Understanding Dyslexia

Every child is different and learns things at one’s own speed. Some might even have issues with reading or writing. However, not all problems last till they grow up to a significant age. But, some children may not fare so well and would lack what the others have in abundance. If such is the case, then they might be a dyslexic child and require dyslexia or ADHD Treatment in Chennai. In this post, we will share everything you need for understanding dyslexia. 

What is dyslexia?

It is a learning disorder that will affect a child’s ability to read and write. They will not be able to comprehend the sounds and would have trouble understanding new words. A dyslexic child cannot pronounce the word in its totality nor divide them into pieces for better learning. Therefore, they would have problems in writing, reading, and spelling.

Is dyslexia common?

Statistics states that out of every five children—one is dyslexic. In some cases, this disorder is often neglected to be a lack of knowledge or effort. Therefore, it is not even diagnosed at all.

Symptoms of dyslexia

Any child with dyslexia may start showing signs of this learning disorder even before they start schooling. They frequently reverse the words they see and face difficulty in retrieving the ones that they already know. Here are some signs of dyslexia:

  • They would have speech delays
  • Constantly confused about the right direction to go
  • Faces struggles following instructions
  • Cannot repeat or remember simple rhymes
  • Students with dyslexia would not be fluent in both writing and reading like the others in the class
  • Lacks the ability to read new words
  • Would be emotionally frustrated as they may feel stressed about their situation

The child can do better with the right dyslexia support through comprehensive child concentration exercises and other activities for dealing with dyslexia.

Social and Emotional impacts of dyslexia

Dyslexia does not stop at affecting the learning of a child but also causes social and emotional difficulties for them. For example, a person with dyslexia may not be able to form words and clearly express what they feel in a social setting. It can take a toll on their social skills, and decrease their self-esteem. They may assume that something is wrong with them as they are not able to perform normally like the other kids. However, a teacher who teaches dyslexic children would provide self-confidence and train them to see their uniqueness.

How to deal with dyslexia?

A dyslexic child requires personal attention and care. Having this learning disorder does not mean they cannot learn or write ever. They can improve with specific language and right brain training. A specialized trainer would indulge the students in various comprehension, speech, and concentration exercises to deal with dyslexia. 

Experts say that traditional teaching methods would not work to the advantage of the child. Therefore, such kids need to be comfortable while doing their activities. The learning process must be transformed into an engaging one. It will be more productive for the child rather than conventional education. 

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