Child's Brain Development

Things You Must Do For Your Child’s Brain Development

Brain development is possible beyond just dietary or food choices. It is more of a psychological play. It is a known fact that the initial years of a child are crucial in laying the foundation for future cognitive skills. The environment that a child grows has a significant influence on the mind. There are some things you must do for your child’s brain development along with right brain training sessions.

How environment affects the brain?

Many studies from the early 2000s identified that the surroundings influence brain development in rats. An enriched environment made their brain structure larger while the basic environment shrunk it. The former even showed signs of neurogenesis, which is the development of fresh brain cells, specifically in the areas responsible for memory and thinking. By enriched ecosystem, the scientists meant stimulating environment. 

1 – Let your child play outside

The first thing you must do is to expose your child to a variety of stimuli in the outside world. When the fun activities take place in a lush green environment, it contributes so much to the child’s brain development. Even research says the same. Children having green spaces around them are 55% less likely to have mental disorders. 

It is also a fact these children have better cognitive abilities and a low risk of getting ADHD. Hence, playing outside is an essential part of Sugsar’s ADHD treatment in Chennai. So, let your child play outside for at least one and a half-hour. It is proven to alter the genes and activate the entire neocortex.

2 – Engage multiple senses while learning

A multi-sensory approach must be followed during the learning process. When various parts of the brain work together, the child will be able to learn and retain information in a better manner. The best way to do this is to add an element of fun during the learning process. For instance, you can make the child act out a rhyme while they watch the visuals play in front of them.

3 – Shorter lessons

Children learn better when the information is broken down into discrete pieces. When the teaching is spaced out, it becomes easy to remember for a longer duration. The brain functions productively when learning happens in this way. Feeding everything in one go would be of no use since the brain will forget most of the information quickly.

4 – Good Sleep

An age-appropriate sleeping pattern is a must for brain development. During sleep, the brain organizes the day’s information. It improves thinking skills, strengthens motor skills, and enhances memory power. It goes without saying that the quality of sleep also matters.

5 – Music

Music can have a wonderful effect on brain development. The different elements such as melody, lyrics, and rhythm stimulate various parts of the brain. Hence, music will enable cognitive growth since the child makes associations with the lyrics, their meaning, and the rhythm of the song. 

There are endless ways to charge your child’s brain. At Sugsar, we follow productive methods that can bring holistic brain development at our English & Maths tuition in Chennai.

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