Kids Brain Training

Why Ages 2-7 Are Essential For Brain Development?

Before the advent of neuroimaging, many people had a wrong assumption that the brain stops growing at birth. It was also believed that the entire network of neurons is present at birth. The belief was further stretched to the point where the connections were thought to build during the first year and become permanent. However, it was later identified that brain training like memory improvement techniques and others had a profound effect on the mind’s growth. This blog post will explain why ages 2 to 7 are essential for brain development.

The right time for brain development

In the first year of birth, the brain performs reflex or involuntary actions and acquires new information. It guarantees the basic needs of the child. This period is so useful as the brain is very receptive to changes and can easily accommodate new information. Even a little stimulus from the environment is enough to make a lasting impact on the child’s brain.

There are two vital periods for brain development. One begins at age 2 and the other occurs during adolescence. These phases are characterized by the huge number of synapses in the brain. It can surprise you that a 2-year old child can have double the synapses or neural connections than adults. So, higher connections would mean fast learning. 

How to make use of this sweet spot?

This phase can benefit the child when they get proper assistance from a kids brain trainer. Here are some ways to put this phase to good use.

Prefer learning over performance

During this stage, the children must be exposed to a wide range of activities that are new to them. Instead of improving the performance, teachers and parents must let the children explore different things and create a love for learning. At this phase, there should not be any pressure on committing mistakes. The child must know it is only part of learning.

Focus on exposure, not excellence 

Honing in on a specific activity works counterproductive at this stage. Though specializing in one field is best for an adult, an evolving mind needs to experience different scenarios. It broadens the creativity of the children and makes them competent to meet the demands of the dynamic world. 

Therefore, it is a good thing to engage the child in different disciplines such as maths, music, art, science, sports, language, and so on. It will enable the children to get multiple perspectives on a situation. When these efforts combine with child concentration exercises, brain development will be very effective.

Pay attention to Emotional Intelligence

Every parent wants their child to excel at maths or language skills. There is nothing wrong with it. However, both teachers and parents must aim to achieve essential interpersonal skills like empathy, kindness, and teamwork. The children must know how to keep their emotions in check.

Language fluency

Between the ages of 2 to 7, the children can easily read and write any other language much like their native one. They can recognize the nuances of the language and comprehend it much better at this stage.

Sugsar engages the students with a comprehensive language development program at our English coaching centre in Chennai.

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